The basic types of molding powders are those for compression molding and ram extrusion molding. These are processed at ambient temperature followed by sintering above the crystalline melting point. Possessed with advantages like excellent creep resistance, large tensile elongation, excellent electrical insulation while readily machinable to complex forms, foldable, stretchable and modified PTFE is also weldable with longer flexural life than conventional grades. The following grades are available in order to suit various molding methods.

GradesSeries B1Series B2Series B3Series B4
GranulesFine cutMildly pelletizedFree flowing pelletsModified fine cut and free flowing pellets
Filled compounds, various skived tapes, gasket sheetsCompounding, high quality skived tapes billets   
Rods, bush, gasket sheets, blocks, non-standard articles, bearing pads Compression and isostatic molding, quality skived tapes billets, sheet molding  
Mass production small articles, Valve seats, extruded rods, thin wall tubes, complex molded articles  

Automatic molding, compression

molding, ram extrusion at low back-pressure.

All of above with weldable properties, higher tensile and elongation   

Compounding, high quality skived

tape billets, sheet molding, Compression and isostatic molding, bearing pads.